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Employee well being initiatives don’t always have to take the form of serious workshops or hushed one-on-one conversations. Well being can simply be a result of a fun environment, and it's no different for workplaces.
We all know what bad communication looks like and its consequences, but what does it take to communicate effectively? What does it mean to be a good communicator? And what can you do to improve your communication skills and that of your entire team?
What brings employees back to work happily is a good working environment? It's not a cool office space or a high paycheck, it's a good working atmosphere that makes you enjoy your work and not hate every Monday morning.
As much as we’d all like to meet our family and friends who live far away from us more often, our regular jobs and lives don’t allow it. Virtual reunions can be the new summer reunion tradition for those who can't travel as often.
“Let’s get on a quick call” has become a far too frequent phrase. But too many meetings can have an effect on your productivity. Read how to limit meetings and make them more productive.
With the world moving towards a more remote or hybrid work set-up, minimizing distractions and focusing on work has become one of the biggest challenges. Practice these 8 simple tricks to increase your focus.
June is Pride month! But what exactly is Pride, why is it celebrated and how do we celebrate it?
The modern ideas of people management have given birth to the role of the Chief Happiness Manager, whose key role, of course, is to make sure everyone's happy at the workplace.
Bringing teams together is more challenging in a remote setting. Online team building activities are not only fun, but also add to the teams overall wellbeing and productivity levels.